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Poway Girls Softball League Website

Keep an eye out for an email with more information!

Registration for Spring Rec Ball is closed.

If you registered for Spring Rec Ball, please attend evaluations on 1/4. See times below.

There are no evaluations for the 6u or 14u divisions.




Congratulations Poway 10U Gold & 12U Gold 5th Place at Western Nationals

Poway All Stars 2024

Hit-A-Thon 2024

PGSL Field Status

Poway Girls Softball League (PGSL) is a non-profit organization operated completely by volunteers and is registered with the Amateur Softball Association (ASA), the preeminent softball organization in America, as a Class "B" league in District 31 of Southern California Region 14.   PGSL was founded in 1967 to provide an opportunity for girls ages 5 through 18 to play fastpitch softball in Poway, California (located in northeastern San Diego County).  PGSL funds itself entirely from registration fees (among the lowest in San Diego County), community sponsorships, and snack shack sales.   PGSL supplies girls everything they need to play softball except shoes and a glove.   We waive fees for those girls needing financial assistance(application required) - no girl is ever excluded due to financial concerns.

At PGSL we offer a supportive, inspiring environment where the emphasis is on ensuring the girls enjoy their experience no matter their softball experience level.   Girls new to softball are provided extensive instruction and skill development.   Those girls more serious about softball are provided the opportunity to discover their full potential through competitive programs that PGSL offers.

Every activity in the league is focused on:

  • building self-confidence
  • promoting good sportsmanship
  • delivering positive reinforcement
  • developing fundamental skills
  • gaining results from hard work
  • fostering a love of the sport
  • providing opportunities to excel
  • most importantly, having fun

Poway 2023 All-Stars

Each year PGSL organizes and offers these programs for the community:

Spring Recreational Season-RecBall  (February through May) - League program that provides a recreational and instructional environment for girls ages 5 and older.

Summer All-Star Season (May through July) - A competitive environment for our more adept and dedicated players, ages 7 & older. The program provides our girls the opportunity to compete against the other local, state and national All-Star teams.

Fall Ball Season - (formally called WinterBall) (August through November) -  A semi-competitive, skill-building environment for any player in age divisions 8U-14U desiring more instruction and opportunity to play.   Games are played against other leagues in northern San Diego County.

Fall Winterball Season - Phantoms (November through April) -  The Phantoms teams are comprised of PGSL girls who want to advance their softball skills in a competitive environment.  Team try outs occur every year at the beginning of Fall Ball season and selected players must have the desire to commit themselves to the team. The girls will practice weekly and play in tournaments as directed by the coaching staff.  The Phantom season ranges from the middle of November through April (into the Spring recreational season).  Phantoms players will still be drafted onto recreational teams and play out the Spring rec season.  The Phantom teams enable the girls to remain highly focused and competitive throughout the winter-most of the spring season.  If your daughter has the desire then she should come out and be part of the journey!

Phantoms 2022-23

Coaches Training- In preparation for Rec Ball, PGSL provides hands-on instruction for all of our head coaches, prior to the Spring Rec Ball Season.

Skills Clinics- PGSL offers our players clinics covering basic and advanced skills development that is conducted by local professionals and high school/college level athletes.

Student-Athlete Recognition - At the end of our recreational season we award $50 to all 6th - 8th grade girls who turn in Spring report cards with all A's as a way of encouraging the girls to be good students as well as athletes. 

Summer All-Star Tournament- Each year, PGSL hosts the Poway Summer Heat Classic Tournament. It's a fun and exciting way to spend a weekend watching top quality youth softball teams from all over Southern California compete.

8U Gold- 2022 North San Diego B District Champs

10U Gold- 2022 North San Diego B District Champs

10U Gold- 2022 3rd Place at Western Nationals in Salem, Oregon